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CBD Oil and IBS


Do you suffer from IBS?

CBD Oil and IBS may be an unlikely pair, but the benefits? Very likely!

Many men and women around the world go through unnecessary digestion pain, and it’s time to find something that works.

CBD Oil to the rescue!

IBS is short for irritable bowel syndrome. In some, it can cause loose stools and in others, constipation for days. Not fun!


CBD Oil May Relieve IBS Symptoms

The top 5 complaints of those suffering through IBS:

  1. Pain and Cramping
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Gas and Bloating
  4. Constipation
  5. Fatigue and Difficulty Sleeping

Top 5 Benefits of CBD Oil

It’s important to know that there isn’t enough medical backing or scientific proof at the moment to confirm how beneficial CBD Oil really is, but thousands maybe millions of people are using CBD Oil and enjoying all of the benefits, and you can too.

  1. Can Relieve Pain
  2. Can Decrease Inflammation
  3. Could Reduce Anxiety
  4. Could Decrease Depression
  5. May Support Heart Health

I’d like to share my personal IBS & CBD Oil story with you.


For as long as I can remember, I’ve had what I just called “tummy troubles”. Growing up on a farm it was unheard of to not drink milk, yet every time I did I was sick and had to find the nearest bathroom.

I couldn’t eat dinner at my friend’s houses when I was a teenager, because I never knew what was in the food, and I always got sick. I had to do the diarrhea dash fast. How embarrassing!

In my adult years, after tests upon tests we finally discovered that I had IBS. I changed my entire diet, lifestyle and started meditating, doing yoga, and finding ways to support my gut and health.

I still didn’t feel totally better. There was a slight noticeable improvement, but I still wasn’t feeling ‘normal’ and healthy. Even probiotics failed to fix what was going on in my digestive tract.

I started taking CBD Oil.

After only about 2 weeks, I started noticing a HUGE difference in my digestive health. I was regular! I couldn’t believe it.

While I was still keeping away from the foods that irritated me ( dairy, gluten,etc) I could digest, and enjoy food for the first time in my life – no lie! The bloating and gas I had just gotten used to decreased as well. It was awesome.

My Energy Improved with CBD Oil


My skin improved, my mood improved and I felt better overall. Even my energy improved significantly, and I haven’t looked back since.

What CBD Oil Should I Use?

Our line of premium CBD Oil is fantastic! The peppermint CBD Oil has a smooth and cooling flavor. It’s a broad spectrum premium oil which means it has many wellness benefits.

Cannadish 1500mg CBD oil peppermint bottle with tube

How Much CBD Oil Should I Take?

We suggest you use 1-2 times daily as you see fit. Place 1 serving size (1ml) under the tongue, hold for 30 seconds, and swallow.

CBD Edibles

If you can’t enjoy our CBD Oil, we also have CBD Edible’s and capsules that are wonderful!

So take it from me and my personal experience – CBD Oil has been the best thing I have ever done for my digestive health and wellness and I personally encourage you to try it today if you’ve felt like you have suffered long enough with IBS!

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