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Perfect Weed Edibles: 5 Tips To At Home Edibles

Weed edibles are more popular than ever before. See weed edibles all over dispensary counters. Notice edible stores on the web. However, people seem to be a lot more interested in making cannabis treats at home. If this is done correctly, this may be a better option. Creating your own edibles is fantastic as you can determine your own potency, taste, and weed strain. There are also thousands of recipes available on this site alone! We are hoping to assist you in navigating your cannabis edibles journey.

Here are 5 tips to perfect weed edibles:

Potency: Control the strength of your weed edibles.

Many consumers end up dosing too high the first time they try edibles. This can cause a person to not want to try a weed snack again. The recommended amount of THC in a single serving is around 10 MG for the first time user. If you have a higher tolerance, try finding that perfect sweet spot by slowly upping your THC dose. 

Get the most out of your cannabis:

You want to make sure you don’t waste any cannabis in the process of an infusion. In turn, you should always try extracting as much THC and CBD out of the plant that you can. Proper decarboxylation, infusing your cannabis at the right temperature, and time correct timing is important. In addition, ensuring your baking temperatures is just as important. This is prevent you from losing any chemical compounds in the process.

collection of weed buds

Flavor, texture, smell and appearance of weed edibles — what you need to know.

Just like regular dish, you want your cannabis meal or weed candy to taste good, right? The flavor, texture, smell and appearance is what gets you drooling over all. The taste of cooked cannabis itself is not so appetizing. We aim to disguise this as much as possible. Try to combine the right weed infusion method and cannabis strain with the right recipe. A common mistake people make when infusing cannabis butter or oil is to grind the cannabis finely beforehand. This will give your edible a stronger cannabis taste.

Cannabis Strain

The weed strain you choose will determine  the effect you feel from the edible, just like smoking or vaping does. But with edibles it’s extra important because it will change the flavor and aroma of your finished dish. Some cannabis strains do amazing for candies while others do great for savory dishes and drinks. Check out 5 strains we love for edibles.

Ingredients and Equipment 

For starters, you are going to need some good  quality cannabis bud. For your weed infusion, you will need a high quality butter, oil, alcohol or base. When it comes to cannabis oil, butter, or tinctures, you don’t need any fancy equipment. However, if you want to make hash or rosin, equipment plays a role in your finished product.

If you want to learn how to make cannabis edibles and different infusion methods, check out our complete guide in detail with videos.

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